Sunday, February 21, 2010
I. Introduction
a.Thesis- Global warming has been credited as the reason for the change in the earth’s temperature; however, the root cause of this is on debate, pinning human activities such as pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases against the earth’s natural climate cycle.
II.Global Warming
a.Causes of global warming
1.Greenhouse Gases and Human pollution (support)
2.Nature cycle (support- earth getting closer to sun, etc.)
b.Global warming’s effects on planet earth (climate change, habitats being destroyed, human life)
a.Main cause of climate change is caused by greenhouse gases and human pollution (show support why)
1.Main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane
b.The increase in technology and pollution over the years has led to the buildup of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing the temperature to rise
c.These greenhouse gases absorb heat reflected from the Earth's surface, thus trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Over the last few years, these gases have increased (by emissions) causing them to build up and stop thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, resulting in excess heat (Global Warming)
IV.Human activities are a main factor, posing the question, what can people do to stop global warming (focus on reducing CO2 & methane emissions)
a.Reiterate thesis statement and argument
b.Make known that we have to work at lowering pollution and greenhouse gases or else earth’s future will be greatly affected
Food Inc. Pt. 3
Reading these 3 sections of Food Inc, I have found myself bombardon with tons of information. All three provided me with information I didn’t know about or could really understand until now. I really enjoy reading this book because it has given me greater insight on the food industry and how things go down. Out of the three essays, the second one (Questions for a Farmer) was quite interesting but not really aimed toward me. I like knowing the information about what questions I should ask before buying certain products like meat, poultry, and dairy but I felt that I would never actually use these questions in my everyday life. I feel these were more aimed at stores that buy the products. I feel that this is their decision and they need to make is wisely so there customers are satisfied.
Looking at the “declare your independence” essay; I felt more in control of my life. I felt Joel Salatin was really aiming his essay towards me. Knowing that I was in his audience range, I felt more connected. I first like how he kind of explains a little background information about how he feels on today’s food. This allows me to have better understanding of how he thinks and feels about the situation. Then he goes into the fact that we can choose what we want and we need to do by declaring our independence. I like how he gives us an option to opt out. After reading this essay, I felt that if people opted out of eating certain kinds of food, we could possibly change our food industry. We need to show them want we want our food to be like by buying those products.
The last article was also quite interesting. The author has a lot of credibility from me because she actually studies food. Knowing she is a nutritionist and wants to help people eat better makes me believe her essay. Two parts of her essay that really appealed to me was her thoughts on organic food and dairy/calcium. This two appealed to me the most because I’m interested in organic food and like hearing more information about it. I like how she gives both sides. This shows that she just doesn’t want people to hear her side but she wants to just give information. Knowing that organic foods use less energy and leaves the soil more productive in the long run, makes me feel that all food should be grown this way. The short part about milk and calcium was quite interesting. Before I even read this essay, I always worry about milk. Especially because of all the stories I hear about the utters of dairy cows being effected, allowing bacteria to go into the milk. This disgusts me. He writing allowed me to realize how important calcium is to my bone growth. I want to drink more milk because of this but am still worried about these effects. Therefore I think I’m going to start reading my milk labels and buying the safest type.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Research Argument
Food Inc PT 2
Monday, February 15, 2010
Food Inc. PT 1
After watching the film, Food Inc. a lot of things stuck in my head. I was very surprised to learn all this new information about the food industries and what they are actually doing. One particular part that was quite interesting was when they went to the chicken farms. I couldn’t believe how horrible they treated those poor chickens. I couldn’t even imagine. I also thought it was quite weird that the one guy couldn’t even show the inside of his chicken hen because of the company he worked for. Knowing that they do not want you to know what’s going on, kinda makes me not want to know. I felt horrible for ever eating mass produced chicken because those poor chickens have no room to move, they basically shit on themselves, and the area is very unsanitary. Learning this information through this film was quite heartbreaking. The music during this part was sad and they showed small clips of the men who take the chickens away after they are fully grown. Watching this made me quite angry because they treated the poor things so bad. I think if more people knew that this was occurring then they would try to stop this cruel treatment of chickens. They might decide to go free range or organic, like I am actually persuaded to now do.
Looking at the book compared to the movie, I felt a lot more can be accomplished by the movie. People will be more persuaded when they see these clips of what is really going on, mixed with certain music and graphics. Even though I believe this, I still feel the book offers great information and a more behind the scene look at the Food industries. One of my favorite parts was the Q&A segment. I liked this because most of the questions were interesting and the answers were well-written. Knowing these answers really allowed me to better understand what was going on in the food industry and what we could possibly do to stop this cycle.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Fixed Introduction
According to the National Wildlife Federation, in the lifetime of a child, 20-30 percent of the world's species including plants and animals, will be affected by global warming and on the verge of becoming extinct. This is a staggering statistic and shows that global warming is a big environmental problem. Global Warming is defined as an increase of average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a continual increase that causes the climate to actually change. An increase in the earth's temperatures overtime due to an increase of greenhouse gases that is resulting from pollution will cause climate change and lead to global warming. (Global Warming) This is a very well documented problem and over the last few years global warming has gotten worse. Knowing what causes global warming and the effects of it can help us fix the problem before the earth is harmed greatly. This leads me to believe that everyone should be informed about the causes of global warming, how it effects our environment and human life, and lastly what we can do to either stop or slow down this process. There are many misconceptions of global warming that people believe. They are not informed and feel that global warming is not occurring or will not affect them in their lifetime. This is very untrue, we know that global warming is occurring and has already had multiple effects on the earth. These include harming animals and their habitats and our general environment. This problem should be on everyone’s minds because it is accelerating and actually becoming worse. Since this is a problem, many scientist have studied it deeply and have built up a lot of information that can help us better understand this environmental problem. As someone living on this earth that will be affected by global warming, I want to do something about it. If lowering the causes of global warming by decreasing human pollution will help, I believe everyone should work harder to do so. If polluting the earth less will help save our environment and our human lives, why wouldn’t we work on a solution to stop global warming? In this paper I will touch on what we are doing to stop or slow down global warming. Knowing all of this meaningful information will help us see what we are doing to our environment and how harmful global warming can be on us people and our world.