Monday, February 1, 2010


Illegitimate Paraphrase:

There are many concerned scientists that estimate that at least 70 percent of the antibiotics used here in america, are fed to animals on factory farms. Having tons of animals, like pigs, chickens, and cattle living in close and dirty confinements simply would not be possible with out the feeding of antibiotics to keep the animals from dying of infectious diseases. These antibiotics increase the animals growth which is also why they are used in industrial agriculture. But the main point of using these pharmaceuticals is because the meat production on this scale and intensity would not be able to sustain for months, let alone decades.

“Our Decrepit Food Factories” by Michael Pollan

Correct Paraphrase:

According to the article "Our Decrepit Food Factories" many scientist believe that numerous farmers feed antibiotics to their livestock, which includes pigs, cattle, and chickens. Framers believe that since all there animals are living in such close quarters, that their survival would not be possible without the use of these antibiotics on a continual basis. Animals who are not fed antibiotics could die of many reasons including diseases. These antibiotics also effect the animals growth, causing them to grow faster, which also benefits the farmers. Knowing that these farms would not be possible without these antibiotics, many people feel to sustain a farm for a long time, they need to be used. (Michael Pollan, 2007)

“Our Decrepit Food Factories” by Michael Pollan

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